Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Eye-Opening DVD

Cathy and I, along with friends Marilyn, Doug, Ann, Gayle, Polly, Kathy, Richard and Betty, watched the movie "Lord Save Us From Your Followers". If you're concerned about how Christians are viewed by much of the public then this is a DVD oyu should see.

Here's a excerpt from the above website "Though nine out of ten Americans claim a belief in God, public expression of faith is more contentious as ever. Even as discussion of religion floods the media like never before, the rhetoric is divisive and hyper as the 2008 elections loom on the horizon.

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers is the energetic, accessible documentary that explores the collision of faith and culture in America. Fed up with the angry, strident language filling the airwaves that has come to represent the Christian faith..." and "...Lord, Save Us From Your Followers delves into all the hot button issues with candor, humor and balance."

Currently Reading: The Shock Doctrine

I'm currently reading "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". What an eye-opener. Highly recommended.... Required reading!