Tuesday, September 05, 2017

45's Lies

45 lies, a lot.

"All presidents lie. ... Lying in politics transcends political party and era. It is, in some ways, an inherent part of the profession of politicking.  

But Donald Trump is in a different category. The sheer frequency, spontaneity and seeming irrelevance of his lies have no precedent. Nixon, Reagan and Clinton were protecting their reputations; Trump seems to lie for the pure joy of it. A whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true. (Compare that to the politician Trump dubbed “crooked,” Hillary Clinton: Just 26 percent of her statements were deemed false.)"
- Politico.com, below

"Trump’s chronic duplicity may be pathological, as some experts have suggested. But what else might be going on here? In fact, the 45th president’s stream of lies echoes a contemporary form of Russian propaganda known as the “Firehose of Falsehood.

In 2016, the nonpartisan research organization RAND released a study of messaging techniques seen in Kremlin-controlled media. The researchers described two key features: “high numbers of channels and messages” and “a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions.”"
- Mother Jones, below

"Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain", Politico.com, Jan/Feb 2017

"A Chilling Theory on Trump’s Nonstop Lies", MotherJones.com, Aug, 2017

Here are several lists compiled by reputable folks:

"100 days of Trump claims", Washington Post

NY Times "Trump's Lies", 7-21-17

"All False statements involving Donald Trump", Politifact,