Thursday, November 22, 2007

Emergent Reading and Viewing List for my sister

Here's a reading list of Emergents that I put together after a great phone call with my sister this evening.

Wikipedia's page on the Emergent conversation:
What is the Emergent Church, Scot McKnight:
Five Steams foe the Emergent Church, Scot McKnight:
Emerging Church Resources: A Beginners Reference Guide:
Brian McLaren blogs on
Brian McLaren blogs on the On Faith blog:
Scot McKnight 's blog:
Jim Wallis' blog:

Books I'm reading:
Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism (A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture), John Shelby Spong
Ye are the Body (A People's History of the Church), Bonnell Spencer
Lost Christianities (The Battle for Scriptures and the Faith We Never Knew), Bart D. Ehrman
The Secret Message of Jesus, Brian McLaren
A New Kind of Christan, Brian McLaren

Books I plan on reading:
A Generous Orthodoxy, Brian McLaren
Everything Must Change (Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope), Brian McLaren

Brian McLaren: "The Worship Industry"

Brian McLaren: "Atheist"

Brian McLaren: "Jesus & The Kingdom"

Also see my previous entry.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

GW and the Religious Right made me a better Christian

Over the last few years I have had a renewed interest in Christianity. My interests are along the lines of what was it like in the days of Christ, what did Christ REALLY say?, what did he really mean for us to do?, what does the Bible mean? can we really take the Bible literally, ... you get my drift. Much of my impetus has been a reaction to the Bush administration and the Religious Right's use of "Christianity" for political POWER.

Thanks to their mis-use of Christianity, I have have searched and my searching has, IMHO, made me a better Christian.

My searching has led me to places like these:
Emergent Village:
and it's blog:
God's Politics-Jim Wallis and Friends:

Books by:
Brian McLaren:
A New Kind of Christian
The Secret Message of Jesus

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I guess I'm still mad as hell

I ran across a couple of Dixie Chick vidoes on You Tube this evening (see below). After watching them I realized that I'm still mad as hell at the way the chicks were treated.

Here are the two videos I watched:

This first one is a link (unable to imbed it)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Keith Olbermann

I've been watching Keith Olbermann (Countdown with Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, weeknights) for a number of months.... this guy is great.

MSNBC's sites:

Olbermann's rants on YouTude:

A New Kind of Christian

I've been reading Brian McLaren's book, A New Kind of Christian. It's a great read, eye-opening.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cruise page

The Hooker cruise webpage.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Chicks and the 2007 CMA

Even though the Chicks didn't win anything at this year's CMA, I hear (read) that the crowd cheered after a brief clip of Not Ready To Make Nice was shown when their name was announced (nominated for Vocal Group of the Year).