Tuesday, November 20, 2007

GW and the Religious Right made me a better Christian

Over the last few years I have had a renewed interest in Christianity. My interests are along the lines of what was it like in the days of Christ, what did Christ REALLY say?, what did he really mean for us to do?, what does the Bible mean? can we really take the Bible literally, ... you get my drift. Much of my impetus has been a reaction to the Bush administration and the Religious Right's use of "Christianity" for political POWER.

Thanks to their mis-use of Christianity, I have have searched and my searching has, IMHO, made me a better Christian.

My searching has led me to places like these:
Emergent Village: http://www.emergentvillage.org/
and it's blog: http://www.emergentvillage.org/weblog/
God's Politics-Jim Wallis and Friends: http://blog.beliefnet.com/godspolitics/

Books by:
Brian McLaren:
A New Kind of Christian
The Secret Message of Jesus