Monday, July 20, 2009

USA: The Best Healthcare in the World

Wow, I just read “Blessed to be in the best country in the world when it comes to healthcare.” on a blog.  Unbelievable that people still haven’t figured out that statement just just plan WRONG.

Not having the facts at my fingertips, I googled “us best health care in the world”. 

The top hit: where this interesting todbit is written:  “Health Affairs' new study "Measuring the Health of Nations."… in 1998. Then, we performed poorly, but not catastrophically so. Our amenable mortality rates were about 8 percent above the average, and 50 percent above the French, but we were not the worst. Comparatively speaking, we were 15th out of 19 assessed countries.  …. Four years later, we were 19th out of 19. “

The second hit:  This one you have to read.

Maybe some just don’t read.  <sigh>

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